Since 2010, people change tho :)

Disclaimer : Blog post yang lepas lepas mahupun yang paling latest akan ada misspell, typo, grammatical error, bahasa wicet, cringe moments, wording size tak sama, gambar tanpa edit etc so please bear with me. Aku takda masa nak re-read and edit balik. Let bygones be bygones. Ada beza seorang Nurain ketika zaman remaja and zaman meningkat dewasa lol

Monday, January 17


now im with fika
kami berPICNIC di foyer blok 2 a.k.a blok jejantan
which mean kami terpakse trun ke bawah utk on9 semata2
gile desperate!
bese ar line kt uma mcm labi2
memandangkan kami mungkin lame kt sni so i decide to bring biskot2 & teh O
pehhh co0l beb!
mcm KHAR ni aku yg punye

so many things happens dlm mase 2 3 ari nie
so ain akn rumuskan keseluruhan cite oke
started from
last friday......jeng3
jumpe cik min jap
nk taw ape jd?!
dia wat magic o0o
lawak gile ah
and yg switnye he give me sumthing spesel (:

nie baru kotak
lom dlm ag....hihi

simple je tp swit

spe x terkejot an tetibe dlm beg de present 
msti cik min rase besalah sb dtg lmbt aritu...2 jam kot
it's oke! pe2 pon im hepi (:
tQ for de lovely key chain 

oke! entri about bufday cik min yg ain sambot aritu akn dipost kn kemudian
spesel edition punye..hihi
so for now i would like 2 stori mori about  
dok ngn kau fika mcm org gile doh
haha! now lepaking with his abg long a.k.a wan 
bapak lawak
saket pewot aku
pantang jumpe korg msti gado cm ayam ngn itik an

 itu wan & his beloved gf umairah
u noe wht ika?
aku gle hepi ngn ko
we really had a great time together
and aku rase kite bole jd bes fren
bes x idea aku? ngeeee~ 

tngu train b4 g dating..hihi
 ko comel la wei
asl ko xcaye aku ckp ea
ko malu an

konon2 ayu..haha

and because of U i feel much better rite now,tQ!

p/s : biskot tu wat jaat ngn ko,nex time aku xbeli lg


  1. fuyoooo..cpt2 tulis cite pasal befday cik min eh..x sabar taw...hehe..nice present la ain..erm,,betoi2..fika comey...mcm nurul kn??hik3...nt nk on9 dtg la bilik nurul u

  2. we are bestfriend already lah. since we met last year together with nurul, sya and dayah. :)
    cik min is funny too, he is such a sweet person.
    and thanks for everything, i felt such a joyous moments!
    aaaa, nak jumpe mak kau lagik. mak kau happening.

  3. nk edit2 pic bg comel skit then bru la bole update blog...hihihi
    cik min dengo tu,fika ckp my mom happening,so pe ag? jln kn langkah seterosnye...haha!
    nurul,i leb u more! rindu nurul la ;)


Terima kasih